Friday, May 15, 2015

Personal Hygiene- Hair (WeiSi)

What is Food Safety? In essence, food safety prevents the infection of food and ensuring that it is safe for consumption. Without any qualms, food safety is extremely crucial and not to be messed around with. If one does not take food safety seriously, the malpractice of the food preparation can cause malady. There have been many unfortunate instances whereby death has been caused due to one's negligence in food handling process. However, if one treats food safety seriously and conforms to the friendly practises, all is well. Food safety covers a large scope of work, not only does it cover proper hand sanitation, food storage and cleaning method, but also practising personal hygiene. In this blog post, I'll be talking about proper upkeep of hair. It's important to keep your hair prim and proper. Not only does that translate into a look of professionalism but also ensure food hygiene standard. Do not belittle a strand of measly hair. A strand of hair can actually cause your food hygiene certificate to be violated. A strand of hair alone carries colossal amount of germs and bacteria and imagine if that falls into any food, it could cause undesirable consequences. Furthermore, if the bacteria on the hair carries food borne diseases, it could inflict serious damage and irreversible effects. Therefore to prevent a mishap as such from happening, we should take it upon ourselves to ensure and have a good upkeep of the hair. As hair is easily shed and can cause sickness if consumed by others, it is hygienic and safest to cover the head when in a food handling area. This can be done with a clean hat or a hair net. Dirt and bacteria can be found in facial hair, so any facial hair should be kept clean. If the facial hair is long, it should be covered as well. It is also hygienic to avoid hair brushing or handling in a food preparation area.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I see some good recommendations on how to restrain hair, so as to observe food hygiene practices. However I observed that most recommendations ( besides facial hair) are more applicable for ladies. What about for men? What do you think should be the appropriate length of hair for them? ( like side burns etc.)

    - Angelica
